Why the name?
My previous experiences with blogging have been found wanting of more attention and effort . I have this habit of not being a regular (and hence the name)- a situation I want to make amends to. Though starting afresh is a very bad habit, for whatever has been built is lost. Yet it has its own benefits - that I imagine - of having a freshness quite alike to the cold morning on the beach hidden in the alcoves of the emerald mountains on a yet undiscovered island - hidden from our world by a veil of mist, known only to the sea around it. But today this veil has been removed, this island has come forth to your view. So ephemeral is the notion of freshness, it is lost at first touch. In our case, this island will lose its own the moment you have seen it. Exploring the concealed, the treacherous, the newly created parts of the island is what you might do. In my case, I have the power of the creator in my hands - I can control what you see here, what you feel here, what you shall perceive - and this is my island. You might like what you see here, and you might not. But now you have discovered it. And so be it.
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